We will soon have a facility for the UAV’s in India.
We are working with a Polish UAV producer who has created the concept of military logistics drones as well as for the civilian purposes. We are engaged here to find a place to sell the products and develop the market for them.
India faces unique challenges along its borders. Along the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan, India has faced skirmishes, intrusions, terror attacks and the smuggling of illicit goods, oftentimes utilizing commercial off the shelf drones. The drone attacks last June at an air base in Jammu highlighted the devastation that drones, armed with improvised explosive devices, can create on infrastructure and personnel.
Nomistar is excited to work with CACI in enhancing security of personnel, infrastructure, and equipment in India. India is a vital ally of the United States, as President Biden stated in the United States 2021 National Security Guidance:
India also shares nearly 3,500 kilometres of border with China; Chinese UAS, ranging from COTS, to tactical to strategic, threaten troops along the border. Along India’s south-eastern border, the Indian Navy contends with a growing Chinese naval presence in the Indian ocean, with state sponsored UAS conducting surveillance and threatening the skies over the Indian ocean and Bay of Bengal.
India faces unique challenges along its borders. Along the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan, India has faced skirmishes, intrusions, terror attacks and the smuggling of illicit goods, oftentimes utilizing commercial off the shelf drones. The drone attacks last June at an air base in Jammu highlighted the devastation that drones, armed with improvised explosive devices, can create on infrastructure and personnel.
India also shares nearly 3,500 kilometres of border with China; Chinese UAS, ranging from COTS, to tactical to strategic, threaten troops along the border. Along India’s south-eastern border, the Indian Navy contends with a growing Chinese naval presence in the Indian ocean, with state sponsored UAS conducting surveillance and threatening the skies over the Indian ocean and Bay of Bengal.
Nomistar is excited to work with CACI in enhancing security of personnel, infrastructure, and equipment in India. India is a vital ally of the United States, as President Biden stated in the United States 2021 National Security Guidance:
Nomistar is excited to work with CACI in enhancing security of personnel, infrastructure, and equipment in India. India is a vital ally of the United States, as President Biden stated in the United States 2021 National Security Guidance:
CACI has worked closely with the four U.S. Department of Défense combatant services to provide Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) systems that have supported operations, troops, and infrastructure both domestically and abroad.
CACI’s solutions have been fielded in hostile operational zones such as Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, as well as aboard maritime vessels, domestic federal buildings and facilities, and critical infrastructure sites. We believe our strong partnership with CACI, who will support Nomistar to provide maintenance, training, and support with installation, would optimize CACI’s ability to support India’s requirements and build capability in India for (C-UAS) systems.
Nomistar will work with CACI to explore the possibility of supporting the Make in India platform as well. We anticipate our collaboration fosters a long-term engagement with the Indian market.
Plot No. 10 ,Third Floor, Community Centre, Zamrudpur, Greater Kailash, New Delhi 110048, India